You already know the best 20% of your agents produce 80% of your revenue.
You know their KPI numbers.
But what you don’t know is how to help the other 80% of your agents perform better.
By focusing on KPIs, you’re focusing on outcomes.
What you need is a way to determine precisely how those best agents get those outcomes.
The saying goes, “What gets measured gets managed.”
But that’s not entirely true. If you measure, say, your agents’ average handle time, you’re saying it’s an important KPI. Which it is.
But how do you manage it? By saying, “Let’s keep our average handle time down, team!”? That doesn’t tell your reps how to keep it down.
You might have agents with stellar handle times, but do you know why their handle time is low?
That’s the information you need to be able to manage, and more importantly, to improve.
The reason you haven’t been able to get the information you need is because you haven’t been able to analyze the interactions your team has with customers the right way.
You probably have some kind of technology in place for compliance and QA, but if it’s based on speech recognition, you already know its usefulness is limited.
What you need for the kind of detective work you want to do - tracing the source of the outcomes you want to the actions that result in them - is a solution that genuinely understands the interactions your representatives have with your customers.
It’s time to get serious.
As many wild things as people are using AI for, it’s genuinely good at two things - rote tasks humans don’t want to do, and complex analyses they can’t.
It’s that second one that can help you out here.
AI can understand both the content and the context of a conversation with human-level accuracy, so it is perfect for identifying the patterns you’re looking for - what your agents are doing and saying that result in the outcomes you want.
Humans couldn’t go through every successful conversation and locate the phrases or actions that led to the outcome you want (and, honestly, reading that many call transcripts would be boring as heck), but for AI it’s a breeze.
For consumer finance teams like yours, AI has even more benefits. If you’re thinking about technology from the past, you know things like transcription-based tools are used in every industry.
But because AI can be trained for expertise on specific subjects, you have the opportunity to use a solution that knows all about the customer interactions you have every day.
Prodigal’s AI Intent Engine, for instance, has been trained on over 300 million consumer finance conversations, and we analyze another 8 million every month.
That means it understands the kind of work your team is doing, the kind of needs your customers have, and the kind of conversations your agents have, so it can make the connections you need.
By analyzing your customer interactions with consumer finance-trained AI, you can answer questions like:
Once you know the actions that connect to the KPIs you want, you can train for them:
Intelligence to drive your team’s performance is only the beginning.