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The buzz at ACA Annual 2023


The buzz at ACA Annual 2023


The buzz at ACA Annual 2023

We packed our magic wands (and a few extra to give to you!) for the ACA International Convention & Expo 2023 this year. Here’s why:

Quote from Arthur C. Clarke "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

You may have caught one of the sessions about AI at the conference (or maybe you talked to us about it - haaaaayyyy, thanks for stopping by!).

We work in AI, so maybe we should be over it by now, but tbh, every day we cannot believe the things we can do with technology.

It’s almost like….magic.

Man pretending to open automatic door with magic.

Normally we try to capture the top three topics of conversation, but really, we heard people talking about one major thing: staffing.

“I hire people and they quit after three weeks.”

“We’re building offshore teams because onshore FTEs are too expensive.”

“Everyone wants to work remote.”

Well, hold on to your top hats, kids, because we’re going to help you solve these problems with the magic of AI.


This was a huge piece of the convos about staffing. Whether it was losing agents within a few weeks of hiring, or longer-term employees getting burnt out, it’s hard to keep a consistent staff.

Here’s how you can get ahead:

Hear from collections leaders who have cracked the code on employee retention.

Slash ramp time (by 50-75%!) by using real-time agent assistance powered by AI.


We heard a lot of people talking about where their employees are. 

Whether it’s hiring remote workers to meet candidate demands or accommodate wage needs, or moving operations offshore or nearshore, collections teams are expanding their radius.

Smart move. Here’s why:

Employees will take a pay cut to be able to work remotely.

It’s possible to reduce costs by moving offshore and then reduce them further with generative AI.

Lean teams

Because hiring and retention are tough, we got a bunch of questions about what to do if your staffing levels just aren’t going to grow.

Good news - you can still make it work.

“Anything you are doing several times a day or that you spend several hours in a month doing is something you should figure out how you can automate."

Use AI to automate tasks so you can (a) reduce headcount, (b) operate with reduced headcount (c) redistribute headcount.

Now, before we head to the airport, we’re going to make one of these bonkers rainbow ice cream cones all the cool Chicago kids are talking about magically disappear. See you next year?

Ice cream cone stacked with five flavors of ice cream via @theoriginalrainbowcone on Instagram
