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Humans of Prodigal: Harshad Patil

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Humans of Prodigal: Harshad Patil

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Humans of Prodigal: Harshad Patil

Harshad Patil is a Business Development Representative at Prodigal, responsible for making connections with companies looking to maximize payments with new paths to segmentation, prioritization, personalization, and improving agent performance.

He was born and raised in Pune, Maharashtra, but sometimes we convince him to visit us in the Mumbai office. He graduated from the I.S.M.E. with a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Marketing and has worked in sales and customer care since then.

Where do you live?

Pune (Queen of the Deccan) - I'm a native.

Why Prodigal?

I lost my dad really early and had to step into a new role in the family, so I've been working for a long time. But for me, just working for your salary gets too monotonous. There's not really a driving force or a passion behind it. So financial incentives are a good motivation for me to get up and just get working.

The more you hustle, the more you see the end result. Which is really awesome. So I like a culture where you are recognized for the efforts what you put in.

When I looked at Prodigal, everything I saw about it was positive. I consulted a mentor from a previous company and she pointed out that a startup like Prodigal has something for you to grow into and just not work with a few years and then have to look around again. So the major motivation behind joining Prodigal was growth and getting to learn as much as I can while filling in my pockets accordingly.

SaaS isn't about sitting in a chair for nine hours and doing what you're told. You have to really bring your A game. But then the amount of exposure and the knowledge you get to know is the end reward.

When I’m not working, you can find me…

Hanging out with my dog - Pablo. He's an American Bully, and a really pampered dog. We both like to get out a lot. I'm an outdoorsy guy. I don't really like to be home.

I like to play and watch sports, like cricket and football [that's soccer to you Americans]. I've been told I look like Hardik Pandya, which is a nice compliment.

On the weekends I like to go for a drive with Pablo or with my friends out into nature - out into the woods or to a lake or someplace surrounded by mountains.

I want to grow my own veggies. I see a lot of chemicals in the vegetables and food we are eating so I'd like to try the organic side of things. The first seed I planted was a red ghost chili pepper.


What would your co-workers be surprised to know about you?

My retirement plan would be to save up and buy land close to a lake, build my own small house, and then just rest on the porch chilling in nature and growing my own veggies.

What’s your favorite Prodigal value?

"We are curiously optimistic."

We are caring and just amazingly push each other to get better. I've never really seen that in any other company. It's not just your department that people really care about in our company.

People ask, "Why can't that happen?" Questions are asked in a positive way that puts you in a good learning space. And sometimes the answers mean you get a reality check - "We need to improve. We need to work on that." And that helps everyone get better.

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