Humans of Prodigal
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Humans of Prodigal - Agnipratim Nag

Humans of Prodigal

Humans of Prodigal - Agnipratim Nag

Humans of Prodigal

Humans of Prodigal - Agnipratim Nag

Where did you grow up, and where are you based now?

I grew up in Bangalore, moved to Mumbai for my undergraduate studies, and will now be relocating to Amsterdam for my job.

What's your educational background, and what were your previous work experiences before joining Prodigal?

I am wrapping up my B.Tech in Engineering Physics from IIT Bombay right now, alongside a Dual Minor in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. Previously, I have worked as a research student with the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, and as a software engineering intern at Databricks Bangalore.

What attracted you to join Prodigal, and how has your role evolved since you started?

I was told about Prodigal by my batchmate Himank, who had been working there as a Product Intern for a while, and what appealed to me most was how he described the warm, funny conversations he would have with everyone at the office. Alongside this, I was also attracted by the fast paced work environment that he described, and the prospect of working closely under Sangram, from whom I felt that I could learn a lot.

I joined as an ML Intern, and have been progressing well in my work so far, connecting pieces of technology to add value to Prodigal’s existing tools by making processes more automated and efficient.

Can you share a significant project or achievement you're proud of during your time here?

My project was to build an AI powered ProNotes Data Annotation bot, and I was extremely pleased at having been able to put out the first working prototype within two weeks of starting my work. The bot resulted in notes being processed at a rate 80x faster than earlier, when it was being done manually. Of course, this was not the final product, but it was a vital first step that set the tone for the weeks to come.

What are your favorite hobbies or activities outside of work?

I have three major hobbies that I love spending my free time on. Football - playing as well as watching, Music - playing my guitar, learning new pieces, experimenting with other instruments, and video games! My instagram highlights are filled with the musical covers I have recorded over the years and listening to them at any point of time gives me immense satisfaction.

Do you have any personal projects or passions you're currently pursuing?

In music, I have been working on developing my vocal skills. I spent my early years learning fingerstyle guitar, and was too shy to go ahead and involve my voice. Having overcome that, I now try performing complex pieces which involve both my singing as well as playing.

Which of Prodigal's values resonates with you the most, and why?

Without a doubt, “Curious optimism”. In fact, the same value is something I have employed throughout my academic journey. Whenever I want to understand something, I break it down to its most atomic pieces, and understand their working, before piecing it together. This approach has helped me approach multiple problems in my professional life.

Is there an interesting fact about yourself that your colleagues might not know?

I have a gaming YouTube channel with over 200k views, and received my first income from YouTube through ad revenue when I was 12 (a humble paycheck of 2000 rupees). 

Humans of Prodigal