Power your future with ProEngage

How can I improve digital engagement?

Increase opens and click-throughs by always knowing the best time to email and text each account. Drive up to 43% more payments with custom daily outreach predictions from ProEngage.
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MacBook mockup
MacBook mockup
A digital outreach strategy that gets results.
By using ProEngage’s recommended times to send emails and text messages,
our customers see significant growth:
Up to
more digital payments made
Up to
more email and text click-throughs
How it works
Powering a dynamic digital
outreach strategy.
Share data
You share your consumer interaction and account data.
Get predictions
ProEngage evaluates 500+ variables to deliver engagement predictions.
Reach customers
Your software schedules and sends emails or texts.
Increase payments
Click-through rates go up, driving more traffic to your payment portal.
Share data
You share your consumer interaction and account data.
Get predictions
ProEngage evaluates 500+ variables to deliver
engagement predictions.
Reach customers
Your software schedules and sends emails or texts.
Increase payments
Click-through rates go up, driving more traffic to your payment portal.
Share data
You share your consumer interaction and account data.
Get predictions
ProEngage evaluates 500+ variables to deliver engagement predictions.
Uncover the diamonds in your data.
Here’s how Prodigal’s AI gives you the edge:
Examines your raw customer data
Our AI has learned from 400+ million consumer finance interactions. It analyzes your customer account, email, text, website, and payment data to form a clear understanding of each consumer.
Constantly updates and improves
Good enough is never enough for Prodigal’s AI. We’re always evaluating the latest customer account and interaction data to provide the best game plan for today - not 30 days ago.
Integrates third-party sources
Demographics and bureau data aren’t enough on their own. So Prodigal’s AI blends information from those traditional sources with our current and complete industry knowledge to build the right model.
Delivers predictions you can act on
Behind the scenes, our AI evaluates more than 500 variables. But the plan it delivers for you is clear and simple so you can get started right away.

What other answers can we help you with?

Propensity models

Complaints automation

Customized offers

Discover what else our AI can reveal for you.

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More problems? More solutions.
Which accounts are
most likely to pay?
Reveal which accounts have the highest intent to pay so you can prioritize outreach to increase payment rates and reduce costs.
Learn more
What’s a better way to manage complaints?
Accurately automate complaints identification and capture so you can focus on resolving concerns and building proactive systems to address them.
Learn more
Modernize your business

Ready to chat when you are.

Want to find the answers you've been looking for so you can drive the results you need? Let's get you started.
We'll be in touch very soon.
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